Wednesday, September 2, 2009

SIGG Water Bottles

Rats. I have to throw out my SIGG water bottles. I have 3 or 4 of them that I love from my sister Angela that have her Moksha Yoga Edmonton logo on them.

What irritates me about this is not that I have to throw them out, but because I have told many patients, family, and friends that SIGG do not have BPA in the bottles or liners. SIGG has finally confirmed their "water-based" epoxy liners in bottles made prior to 2008 have BPA. In their past statements they have always maintained that their liners have 'never leached BPA', never lying to consumers, but deceiving or in my husband's lingo, spinning the story. UGH. Apparently they switched to an 'eco-care' liner quietly in 2008.

There are countless other options including glass or stainless steel. Time to go shopping.

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