Monday, February 27, 2012

My Top 6 List for Cholesterol-Busting Foods

If you come to see me about your high cholesterol you are going to get a whole lot of education about food and exercise and of course how your liver breaksdown cholesterol. My top 6 list to lower cholesterol is:
10-15 almonds a day, an apple a day, 2 tbsp ground flaxseed, steel cut oatmeal you make on the stove not in a microwave 3-5x/week, salmon 1x/week, and beans for the great soluble fiber at least 2-3x/week.

Of course there are the foods that you should be avoiding or limiting as well: beef, fried foods, cheese, pork .... AND if you love your artificial sweeteners like your diet pop, crystal light, or splenda in your coffee, STOP! With high cholesterol your risk for heart attack and stroke increases and as recent as last year there has been research to show that artificial sweeteners increase your risk as well! Water and green tea I always say!!

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