Thursday, July 14, 2016

Dr. Tiffany Chats How She Got into Naturopathic Medicine

Welcome Dr. Tiffany to the blog today! Dr. Tiffany is practicing at the clinic on Tuesdays currently. Having grown up in a household where pharmaceuticals weren’t always the first prescription, I was never one for conventional medicine. As a graduate of biochemistry from McMaster University, I was still unsure of my career path. I was unquestionably interested in the health profession, and had contemplated medical school like most of my colleagues and (future) husband, however I knew this was not exactly right for me. I continued on with my education and completed my Master’s degree at Guelph University. A guest speaker in one of my classes was a Naturopathic Doctor and she opened my eyes to everything I’d been looking for. Unaware that this profession even existed, a light bulb went off and I knew this was my calling. The natural and holistic approach to health while still figuring out the underlying cause to disease was the ‘medical’ degree I needed. I completed my Naturopathic degree in 2011 and have never looked back.

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